June 11

School year 2017/18 nearly over :-(

The year is coming to an end, I’m going to miss you all 🙁

We’ve done some great things this year, DON’T YOU THINK??

– Do you remember our fundrasing event, at the beginning of the year?

– our visit to the American school (BAIA) …the canvases you made, it was hard work eh!!

– cafe gourmand in easter (ooops I still have to load the vidoes and photos of that trip!!!)

– your trip to Canada 🙂 hope you all shared each others videos?

– Gillian and Kelly’s success in Paris !! ( Kelly we’re waiting to hear about your experience, please 🙂

-our game “who wants to be a milionnaire”  ( trying to upload videos, but quality not so good, too dark 🙁

-FINISH writing your letters to your future self PLEASE !!!!


Hope to take some great pics on that day!


June 7


The world is full of scary places, and sometimes these real life horror factories are frightening enough to have their own movie made about them. Places like the Amityville Horror house on Long Island, which played host to a family murder and supposed hauntings thereafter; or the Perron home, which had its own series of paranormal activity that inspired The Conjuring. But these mere haunted houses and their ilk pale in comparison to the frights… better known as japan’s suicide forest…

The suicide forest is, without question, one of the scariest places on earth. People often find clothing or body parts while traversing through its so-called sea of trees, the result of the inordinate number of self-inflicted deaths that occur there every year (some estimate that it’s around 100 suicides annually). But that’s not the only reason that the forest is a place you probably don’t want to visit. Located at the base of Mount Fuji, Aokigahara also plays a role in Japanese mythology, and is considered to be one of the most haunted places in all of Japan, with believers reporting a very high number of Yūrei — ghosts who suffered a violent and unnatural death; as well as demons. And even those paranormal beings don’t cover all of the weird stuff that goes on there. So have a look at these six creepy stories from within the Aokigahara Forest… if you dare.







During a VICE documentary that takes a tour of the forest,an extremely creepy curse was there. There’s a Jack Skellington-like doll with his face cut off, nailed upside down to a tree as a sort of inverted crucifixion. According to the documentary’s guide, Azusa Hayano, “They nailed this character upside down as a symbol of contempt for society. No, it’s more like a curse. The curse is nailed in.” Apparently, it’s not that uncommon for those killing themselves to leave behind a curse on the world they’re leaving behind.

it kinda scares me, what about you what do you think?

June 7



Everyone in the world knows Ronaldinho.

Ronaldinho is the best football freestyle player in the world.

Now, he does not play football anymore, but with a palmarès of 15 golden ballon Ronaldinho still remains well known and is considered the best player in the word!!!!

June 4

Ambassadeur en herbe

Hi everyone , how are you ?

Now I’m going to talk about my version of Ambassadeur en herbe. But firstly what’s Ambassadeur en herbe?

Ambassadeur en herbe is a contest of speech and debate organised by AEFE. This year the subject was Art and the Paris’s subject was ;”Art in the city”.


So on Tuesday 1st May, I arrived with Kelly and Miss Laurence in Paris in the morning. Kelly went in DisneyLand and me I went to my uncle’s house. Then I went in McDonald and in the afternoon I went to the cinema to watch Avengers Infinity War. This film is so cccccoooooollllllll. Then I went in the hotel and I left my things there. In the night we ate in a restaurant with Miss Laurence , Agathe , Fabienne and Kelly ,Isabella and Marie Anne. I was so embarrased because I was the only boy. Then we came back in the hotel and I meet my colocator; Maxime. He comes from Brazil but he’s french. He is cool and we played Fifa.

On Wenesday 2nd May, we went to Le Théâtre Paris Villette .There were 50 students from a lot of countries. We explained to us the organisation, the rules and I joined my group for activities. We were supervised by Clea, a comedian.  We did some games and improvisation with her. It was so nice. Then in the afternoon , we gave to us the question for our speech and for our debate.

On Thursday 3rd May , some group were supposed to pass ; the group A and B. Kelly was in the group B. All of these students were stressed a lot. The speech and debate were very amazing.

On Friday 4th May , it was my turn to pass. Fortunately I passed in the last group; the group E. So the time passed very quickly and my turn came. It’s very impressing to talk in front of a lot of people that you don’t know but their applause encourages you. Finaly the jury likes me and I won as the best orator of college.

This adventure was so amazing and incredible.